RSL Arcade, 251 Crawford Street QBN, NSW (02) 6297 2726

RSL Arcade, 251 Crawford Street QBN, NSW (02) 6297 2726

    Helping Veterans, Servicemen & Servicewomen Since 1944




    Nasho Fair Go is looking for all national servicemen who served between 1965 and 1972 but did not go to Vietnam. For 50 years we've been forgotten, but now we're asking for some fair compensation for the two years of our youth taken from us by conscription under threat of imprisonment. Our campaign is to obtain DVA Gold Health Cards for those of us who are left.
    Many national servicemen qualify for a DVA White Card but don't know it. Ask us.● If you are a 1965-72 Nasho, please come and join us. We're running out of time.● If you know a 1965-72 Nasho who didn't go to Vietnam, please ask him to join us.● Even if you don't know a Nasho, you can help us by logging on and signing our petition.
    Your help would be most appreciated.
    Register or sign up on the
    Nasho Fair Go Inc. Mobile: 0475 118 537 Email: ua.moc.ogriafohsan%40olleh

    Welcome to the Queanbeyan RSL Sub-Branch

    The Queanbeyan RSL Sub-branch was established in 1944 and held it's first monthly meeting at Walsh's Hotel in Queanbeyan, New South Wales. 
    The Sub-branch currently has over 300 members and conducts monthly meetings on the third Saturday of each month (except December) at 1000 hours in the Fred Rolfe Room, first-floor RSL building 251 Crawford Street, Queanbeyan. All members are encouraged to attend and be involved in the meetings and other business. 
    Every Wednesday (except Christmas and New year) the Sub-branch conducts a camaraderie morning in the Kenworthy room, RSL Building Arcade, ground floor, between 0900 and 1100 hours. 
    Assistance with DVA and Welfare support can be provided as well as a sandwich and cuppa, it's an informal gathering and all are encouraged to drop in and say hello.


    RSL NSW Strategic Plan 2021-2026

    After consultation with their members and stakeholders across the veteran community, RSL NSW has now released their Strategic Plan for 2021 – 2026.
    To find out more about how RSL NSW is strategically investing in the future to proudly maintain its place as the most recognisable and respected community organisation in the nation, please click on this link to review the full version of the Strategic Plan. 
    For more information about the release of the RSL NSW Strategic Plan please visit the RSL NSW website by clicking on this link

    Follow us

    Join us on social media to stay up-to-date with all of our news!

    Contact the Queanbeyan RSL Sub-Branch

    Get in touch with us via email at ua.gro.wsnlsr%40bsnayebnaeuq or by calling us on (02) 6297 2726.